Sunday, September 04, 2005

On being a Momma......

Being a Momma is truly an amazing experience. So much so, that many, many books, movies and songs have been created because of the experience.

For me the journey of Motherhood has been truly an amazing experience that grows and changes daily. How could my heart love more than it loved yesterday? But it does.

Through my children I have learned so many things, been exposed to so many new experiences, and it continues....what an incredible continium.

One facet that I adore is watching my children find their way in this world. Developing their own likes and dislikes.

With Katrina, the journey at this point is so refreshing for the she is exploring and developing her own sense in what kind of music she likes [thank goodness she moved passed that 6th grade, follow the leader, OH NO, its RAP music phase].

A group that Katrina turned her Momma on to is called 311.

I highly recommend their album "Don't Tread On Me"

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